Monday, December 10, 2012

Six Days to go before the day...

Psalms 118:24  This is the day that the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.

Six days to go, and it will be my day. I’m going to celebrate not just because it’s the day when I made it on earth but because God had made wonderful things in my life for the past years. As that day comes, it’s neither about me nor the people around but it is about HIM who made my life joyful, happy and blessed. As I start to reminisce the past years, all that I can see is I who had a lot of shortcomings and a lot of weakness, but I’m thankful and grateful for there is the people by whom God had use to guide me, teach me and protect. People who had been there with a lot of patience and tolerance on my attitude and character, who is there to encourage and to help, who is there to help me adjust with the changes and cope up with the people that I’m with for the second or for the first time. But most importantly, I’m grateful and thankful for YAHWEH is always there to sustain, strengthen, equip, enable and empower me to do HIS will and plan.

This year is more of an adjustment year, as God move me from another place into a more familiar but different one to serve HIM and fulfill HIS mission and vision not just in my life but for HIS people, the CHURCH. Sometimes, I could see myself as a person who is not fitted for service of HIM but as Satan tries to discourage me, God’s truth is there to comfort and encourage. It’s not about whom I am that I was here and serving HIM but it’s about YAHWEH who was always there to show that HE can use people regardless of who they are or what they can do.

This year is a year where I have to cry because of personal pains brought by personal experiences and a “pleading” for YAHWEH to change and correct my heart to follow HIS will. It’s a year where in I have to cry for the people that by whom had been I had been attach and learned to love for the past years of ministry. It’s a year where I miss a lot of people whom I regularly see every week and for some who had to go to follow God’s calling.  Whether it is at work (secular) or at ministry, there are a lot of new things that I’ve learned and develop.

This is a year that God had made a lot of things in my life and a blessed year that comes from HIM. I am not perfect, I am such a defective one that could be considered useless but I have a “perfect God” who could repair all “defective things” and make it “effective” to do HIS will and a “God of Worth” who could give “value” to useless thing for HIS glory.

Thank You YAHWEH for loving me, caring for me and saving me. Six days from now, it will be my day or it could be better to say that it’s “the day that YAHWEH had made another wonderful creation” (that’s me). It’s not about the created one but it’s about the “Creator”.

To YAHWEH be the glory, honor and praise.

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