Friday, February 17, 2012


Jesus is compassionate to all people. This is the truth that the LORD had taught as i read, meditate amd study HIS word specifically in John chapter 4. This chapter speaks about the samaritan woman by whom had the greatest time of her life when he got face to face with the Lord Jesus Christ. With the story of the encounter of the samaritan woman, there are 5 things by which the LORD shows compassion to us.

1. "your life matters to HIM (The Lord Jesus)"

what ever is your darkest past, what ever is your failures in life, whatever bad things you had done in your past, this is not what the Lord is looking or trying to find to us. Want matters to HIM is your life, HE cares for us that give everything even HIS life on the cross that we might see that there is a way for us to be frred from all the sin that is slaving us, that makes us worthless and without a good future. Your life matters to HIM, thats the very reason why HE died at the Cross that you might find the life with purpose and worth of living with the assurance of salvation through HIM.

2. "HIS priority is a ministry for a person"

The LORD want us to experince HIS marvelous and wondrous work in our lives. His priority is to work in our lives that HE might changes us and transform us into HIS image.

3. "HIS priority is to proclaim the Truth"

the truth is this, we are all sinner just like the samaritan woman. Because of our sin, what we deserve is eternal punishment at hell. But because the LORD has compassion for us, HE came from heaven unto the earth to show us that there is a way for us to be saved and to experience God's presence in our life. The LORD had to deal with our sins and HE chose the path going to the cross that all that will truly belive (faith) in HIM might find freedom from sin unto God's righteousness.

4. "The LORD has the Power to give contentment in our lives"

we are all longing for something that makes our life uncomfortable and not good at all. Just like the samaritan, The LORD has it all to satisfy our thirst. Not like an ordinary water, the living water of that comes from the LORD gives a lot of contentment in our life. Contentment because what the LORD had given to us is a total package of Love, Mercy, Grace, Joy, Eternal Life and Forgiveness. What more can we ask more? And lastly,

5. "The LORD has the Power to change our Lives"

whatever things that you might done in the past, it is not a prerequisite to God's grace to us. But one thing is certain, the LORD wants to change us and be transform and become HIS soul winners. Working with a renewed and a heart that is always after to HIS will.

Thank you LORD for you are always there. My life matters to the LORD. To God be the glory.

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